Developed with the assistance of drumming icon Vinnie Colaiuta, A Customs utilize radical rotary hammering techniques, thin to...
The Cymbals of the A' Zildjian series belong among the most popular cymbals worldwide. They are very sensitive to react to dif...
Features: Size: 6" Original Travis Barker Artwork Surface: rubber Thread on underside for mounting onto cymbal stands
Mit den Buffed Bronze Becken stellt Zildjian die zweite Generation der GEN 16 Serie vor. Sie sind genau wie ihre Vorg?nger mit...
Cymbals from the Sound Lab For 391 years Zildjian has been producing cymbals and has managed to firmly establish themselves b...
The Cymbals of the Avedis series belong among the most popular cymbals worldwide. They are very sensitive to react to differen...
The Zildjian A Custom cymbals were developed with the assistance of drumming icon Vinnie Colaiuta. They utilize radical rotary...